Monday, November 26, 2007

I've been tagged

OK. So I am supposed to write 8 random things about myself.
  1. I became a naturalized citizen of the U.S. at the age of 9
  2. I was a vegetarian for 6 years and a vegan for 1 before my now DH reverted me back to meat eating
  3. while I have had non kosher beef & chicken at one point in my life, I have never tasted seafood or pork
  4. I love girly movies (Romantic Comedies, Dramas...) but I also like Sci-Fi like Star Trek & X-Men
  5. My tongue is pierced
  6. Last year I finally gave up on watching All My Children which I had watched since I was 5 years old! (with my aunt & sister).
  7. I briefly dabbled in paganism during my college years
  8. I have always wanted to be a wife & mom


Unknown said...

lots of comments for you!
I didn't know there was a difference b/w vegan and vegetarian. I also had my tongue pierced but I worked as a hostess for Chili several years ago and they made me take it out one shift and I couldn't get it back in that night. That was the 2nd time I had had it done so I just got over it. I also had my belly button done but took it out when I got PG with Austin b/c I was scared of it becoming a huge hole! And you watched soaps? I still watch General Hospital and occasionally One Life to Live. They are very addicting! ;)

N said...

Vegan is when you don't wear/eat any animal bi-products so I didn't eat any dairy, honey, eggs..I didn't wear leather or fur. When I was vegetarian I didn't eat meat or wear fur but I did eat honey & dairy & also wore leather occasionally.

I've had my tongue ring so long now that I could probably leave it out a week and have no problems getting it back in. I remember when I first got it & was hiding it from my family I would have to go into teh bathroom & out it in every few hours so it wouldn't close up!

I occasionally will catch an episide of AMC, OLTL or GH here & there. Is GH still the Sonny & Jason are gods show? I had to stop watching for that reason. I really liked AJ and was so upset at the crap they wrote for him while propping up Sonny & Jason.

I thought about getting my belly pierced at one point but never did. I also thought about nose, lip, eyebrow.. of course none of them would be work appropriate.