Monday, November 19, 2007

I know it's been awhile...

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. Victor has been sick off & on but he is finally on an upswing again - he woke up on his own this morning (we've been having to get him up lately) and was in a good mood all morning. His appetite is back and he is trying new & regular foods again (he was limiting himself to peanut butter & jelly sandwiches or chicken nuggets for days!). He is still dairy free and we see no difference. Maybe the real trick is to be both at the same time (which we plan on doing next) but it doesn't seem to be doing much for my friend's son Austin either. Mayeb teh diet just doesn't work for everyone.

A week and a half ago, Victor had an appointment with his Dev Pedi (this was a follow-up) and he officially diagnosed him with Autism. It was expected but still hard. I feel like Victor has so many strengths that I often wonder if there should be 2 separate Autism disorders - one with "classic" symptoms like lack of eye contact, behavior difficulties, and not wanting to be touched, and then one with great hugging, great eye contact, but really bad communication skills and sensory processing difficulties. Maybe part of me is still in denial.


GFCF Mommy said...

You know, the diet doesn't work for everyone. I mean, all children are different. When we started, my attitude was I would always wonder "what if" if we didn't try. If you see no change, you'll know you tried and won't have that sense of doubt. And you shouldn't feel one bit bad about it. Check it off your list and move on.

I am lucky it helped my son, but it was by no means a "magic bullet." We still need all the therapies too.


GFCF Mommy said...

About the diagnosis, my son is/was similar to yours. It's hard to get that diagnosis, and yes, it is a spectrum and some people do talk about "autisms." My advice is not focus on the "a" word. Just consider it a tool to get the help your son needs. Just focus on the different areas of concern, like speech or sensory issues. And remember, he's still your beautiful bundle of joy that he always was. A dx does not change that.

I remember my son got the dx at Christmas. Not the present I wanted! Even though I expected it.

Try to be positive, it is a blow but your son has so many strengths. You've got a good team helping you, I bet he'll make tons of gains.

Hugs to you and your family.


N said...

Thank you Katherine!

Unknown said...

You've been tagged. You're supposed to write 8 interesting or random things about yourself, and then ask 8 other bloggers to do the same. Have fun! :o)

N said...

I am sure you already tagged the only other bloggers I know! I will post 8 things though.